Tuesday 23 October 2012

Prelim Evaluation

My Prelim Evaluation

We decided that in order not to break the continuity, for example through a change in clothing, it would be best to film everything in one day.
We tried to adhere to every aspect of the Prelim task of using motion action, shot/reverse shot, continuity and the 180 degree rule. We believe it didn't work as well because our camera movements did sufficiently fulfill the tasks set.
Although, our filming was unsteady due to it being hand held videoing, however there are great film directors,(such as Danny Boyle director of Slumdog Millionaire),who do this it was not our intention and therefore we did not perform it well, so to improve in my coursework I will use a tripod in order to achieve smoother camera movements.
 We had individual roles that had been set previous to us undertaking our filming.  My role was directing, Lauryn’s was editing and the two boys Sonny and Conor were the actors.
In regards to editing we used I Movie and due to the rest of the team not being as knowledgeable as Lauryn on how to effectively use the editing programme, she initially took charge and when someone had any  ideas , it would be contribute to the group and if it was a good idea it was acted upon immediately.
I believe that our location deprived us from successfully showing a good shot/reverse shot because we were unable to film behind the boys properly because of the obstruction caused by the wall. What didn't work well as well was the fact that our location had a negative impact on our lighting which was not constant and varied depending on where the actors were- to improve a lighting dilemma in my course work I could edit my footage to for example be brighter, I could make it black and white so that if there is terrible lighting it would not be noticed as much or I can simply decide to change locations to a place that would provide better lighting, so I will try to adapt in order to produce the best filming possible.
Also we were inaccurate in assuming that our location would be quiet therefore helping reduce the occurrence of background noise- in actual fact we faced quite a bit of disruption and distraction from people passing to and fro our area. Consequently to improve my course-work, I will deter from making incorrect suppositions and instead be certain of what settings would be the most appropriate in helping me produce effective filming.
I have learnt that the production process requires a lot planning and construction of feasible ideas. I have also learnt that during the production process there can be problems and that if we encounter any we should take time out to find a solution instead of allowing the problems we face to stop us from producing our best. Also I have learnt how to direct and see the value of editing and the different form of editing techniques that are available. 

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