Tuesday 20 November 2012

SWOT Analysis of Final Treatment

Our Final Treatment Strength were that we conformed to our crime drama genre really well, so our audience can immediately and easily  know/identify with our genre. We also had interesting deviations; in terms of our use of different micro-element, especially in regards to our innovative use of flashbacks.

Weakness/ Threat:
Due to us involving the highly sensitive issue of domestic violence, it's possible that we might not approach the problem with enough tactfulness.
However, we plan to not actually show the acts of violence instead to use it as one of our enigma codes and so give our audience the chance to actively decode the possible violence within the scenes.

Our location is readily available and it is the form of our drama room in our school and also our search for a professional actor and actress to play our main characters- this should be made possible by the drama department.

This video shows our final pitch to the class, and we received really useful and positive feedback from our peers.

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