Friday 8 February 2013

Day 13 Editing

Today, Conor worked on our soundtrack for a bit whilst I worked on the voice over. 

I split the voice over into parts in order to make it synchronous to the images our audience will view.
 As a result the words in the voice over are expressed a lot more strongly, and hopefully it will be noticed a lot more by our audience and create a lot more questions within them, in regards to the reasons to the images that they see and their attempt to find the correlation between the images that they are viewing and the cynicism they hear in her voice-adding to our enigma codes. 
Before I had split the voice over to make it parallel to the images in the screen, our teacher felt that our voice over was too dramatic and the person that was the voice over sounded more happy than sad or angry, but when I had synced the voice over to the image, the voice sounded a lot more angry. Also I had informed Conor that at a particular time in the clip with the voice over there needs to be "hard" music that connotes violence playing, and when we played the clips, voice over and soundtrack together the voice over's angry emotion was expressed a lot more and the overall effect was quite captivating.

We started to experiment with the colour balance of our clips in order to change the colour of our blood and make it look as realistic as possible 

This is an example of one of the clips we changed the colour of the blood by moving the dot within the circle to the red region.

We brightened up the blood {shown in the bathroom scene} in some of our clips in order to try and make it look as realistic as possible.
We only brightened up some of our clips, so that when the fast-paced jump cuts occur they will stand out a lot more. Also it was the clips in the beginning we brightened up and the ones later on we left with no effect in order to form the juxtaposition between light and dark and to visually create the harshness of Sarah's voice over tone. So her voice gets more bitter and harsher, therefore the clips get darker and become quicker (representing the psychological aspect of our film's genre).




(but we felt this effect looked too dull and did not make the blood stand out or look as realistic as it could so we brightened it up)






I managed to ask my mum her view on the blood and the effect we had made, and the impact it would have on her,  as a audience.

Her view/feedback was that:

Our blood did not look realistic, even when it was brightened up and that it looked really pink, and that for some of the clips it would be best if we left them as dark as they were originally because even though they were still a bit pink as well ( especially the ones in the sink) at least the blood on my hand still looked a bit more red and therefore more realistic.

When she stated this and expressed her points to me, I agreed that indeed brightening up the images made the blood look even more fake and more obvious that it was paint that we used (only now it looks like we used pink paint instead of red).
I will give this feedback to Conor as well and as a pair we will make the decision on whether or not to act on her constructive criticism.

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