Tuesday 27 November 2012

101 Productions Screenplay

SFX. Non-diegetic heavy-hearted music, that creates ambience.
INT.  Long Shot, dark room with girl sitting in the corner.
We see the knife in her hand, camera pans to show her face.

Goes into a flashback.

EXT. Of Sarah and James in a field, we hear laughter.  SFX. Romantic instrumental music.
Cut back to her in a room.

INT. She drops the knife on the floor. SFX. Knife Dropping.

Back to another flashback.

POV shot, Low angle, looking up at James. 'James' walks towards her- image actually shown is just a dark figure.

Back to Sarah in the room.  Sarah begins to cry.

Back to flashback.

EXT. Field again. Sarah and James are playing around and chasing each other, we hear laughter.

Instantly Cuts to other flashback of Shadowy/Dark figure above the POV SHOT. The figure hits the camera and the camera rolls over.

Cuts back to Sarah in the room.   SFX. We hear police sirens and blue lights shine onto the her. She panics, Stands up and races to the door.
As she grabs hold of the handle of the door, we hear a knock from the other side of the door.
She freezes up, and the camera fades to black. The title screen comes up.

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