Friday 30 November 2012

Voice Over Script

I created a voice over that is supposed to epitomise Sarah's situation. 


"Every girl enjoys fairytales. Especially Cinderella's.
They love the idea of a Prince Charming who is prepared to whisk them off to a lifetime of bliss and wonder:- you know the line...'and they all lived happily ever after; The end.'
The end? Is that it...?
Not even close... What they forget to tell every girl is the fact that Prince Charming is non-existent,  so you settle for a mimic, a wannabe, a fake, a poser, an IMPOSTER!!"

The voice over script mocks the theory of a prince charming and overall of  fairy-tales and expresses the contrast between fairy tales and reality.
It reveals the brutality of reality, that is not made aware in fairy-tales.  The voice over gives a bitter view of reality and an active audience can deconstruct that the reason for this is likely to be a direct result of the "IMPOSTER."

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