Tuesday 4 December 2012

Props, Clothing and Location

In class today we found out how important the prop, clothing and location is, in making sure that our production is realistic and makes a lasting impression on our audience.
For example:
When red high heels are shown the audience almost automatically identifies the image with Wizard of Oz.


As a group we have decided on our use of mise-en-scene, in our production, through the prop, clothing and location that we intend to have.
  • Knife:- The knife would be fake.
  • Blood:- Fake Blood from "PEARS"- a fancy dress shop. It will cost about £2.50. We want to get fake blood rather than use ketchup, jam or paint because we believe this would add to the realism of Sarah's situation.
  • Spotlight lighting:-  On Sarah as she is in the dark room (Low Key Lighting).
  • Cups:- The cups will be used in the scenes showing Sarah and James having a lovely time together in a modern cafe.We plan to take the scene in an actual cafe shop, so it is likely that we will have to pay for our cup prop, in order to be allowed to film the cafe scenes. Also we will need to ask permission before filming, because our filming could be seen to promote the cafe- through the use of product placement- we could ask our actors to cover the cafe brand/logo if the sight of them causes controversy.
  • Christmas tree (preferably distorted) in the dark room to show that winter has arrived- we want to create a juxtaposition between the seasons of Summer and Winter.
  • Change in costuming to represent different days and time periods of their relationship- a montage to show that time has/is passing.
  • Clothing of Sarah:_ In happy scenes Sarah wears summery associated costuming; such as a dress, flowery top and jeans, all with flat shoes on. In the violent scenes the audience don't see what she is wearing because the Camera will consist of POV shots and low angles. In the scene of Sarah in the dark room she is wearing a black vest top, shorts and no shoes.
  • Clothing of James:_ Plain tops and jeans and Shirt and jeans in the happy scenes. In the violent scenes he is just a dark figure, and his clothing is not identifiable, but the actor will be wearing a hoodie and jeans.
  • Cafe
  • Romford Shopping centre
  • Walking down a street.
  • Drama room- which will be the dark room Sarah is in.

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