Monday 7 January 2013

Filming Diary

This is our Production Schedule...
Production Schedule

On the 13/12/12 we filmed the happy scene in the cafe as well as the "winter/violent scenes" because we finished the cafe scene relatively quickly and still had time so we decided it would be best if we filmed the violent scenes as well.

On the 17/12/12, we discussed with our teacher our plans to go to Romford to film and she advised us to film around the area instead of travelling to Romford and to see the different shots and scenes we could get from our local area, that could still help to create the romantic atmosphere and happy scene we wanted. We agreed because we already had footage of the couple-Sarah and James in the cafe at Castle Green and filming around the area would give us more options in terms of activities they did together and propel our montage effect, created from the changes in scenes and the change in costume of the characters. We decided to film them in the park, talking and strolling and we also included within the happy scene, a scene that correlates to the violent scenes and shows the audience the slight differences they had, even on occasions where "perfection" (through the park) surrounded them. We did this so that the audience can insinuate who the dark figure is likely to be (although both characters in the happy and violent scenes are not facially shown). We also filmed an establishing of the flats they live in, and the city, which represents the settings and location of the activities they (Sarah and James) did together.

On the 18/12/12 Sonny and I created a new "dark room scene" because when we had filmed the scene in the drama room with the spotlight and the blood (the blood was paint, due to our disorganisation mainly we had not purchased fake blood from the prop shop that we had previously stated that we would have bought. Instead we had hoped the drama department in our school would be able to provide this prop for us. We had left it to our filming date to actually inquire with the drama department if they did have fake blood for us- Sonny and I found a bottle of fake blood but unfortunately it had dried up and also we had no fake knife, the drama department had used it and were unaware of where they were, we looked for them but unfortunately we did not find any. So we had to film without a knife.
When we did start to film there in our pre planned location of the drama room with the single spotlight  on Sarah, the lighting was terrible and our blood paint looked fake and pink in the white light spotlight. So we decided to change the lighting to red in the hope that the paint would appear more realistic and red-unfortunately it did not.

I went into the bathroom to wash off the paint and noticed how realistic the drips of blood on the bathroom floor were and so Sonny and I thought it would be a good idea to discard the "dark room scene" and instead create a "bathroom scene" because the lighting was better and the blood looked extremely realistic. 
Also we maintain our enigma codes due to the exclusion of the knife/weapon as well as the dead body. As a result of neither of these "props" usually associated with murder not being shown we create a sense of mystery and multiple questions as a result of this enigma codes. 
This means that an active audience would be left to wonder (due to our use if enigma codes) if the excessive amount of blood is a result of some-one's death (perhaps the manly figure, later shown in the flashbacks?) or if Sarah is cleaning the wounds created as a result of domestic violence/constantly being hit (shown through POV shots shown from Sarah's viewpoint-at least the audience assume the abused character is Sarah) . 

We had decided as a group that we would record the voice over whilst we are editing so that it would be easier to record, and place in the correct scenes- therefore making it more effective.

On the 08/01/13 we (101 Productions) filmed the bathroom scene and I had to make sure that I wore the same clothes as I had when we had originally filmed the scene in order to maintain our continuity editing. We tried to experiment with a wide range of shots, we also decided not to create a montage of Sarah walking into the bathroom due to the shots that we had created of blood on the floor and our realisation at how odd and terminating of continuity editing of having blood already on the floor when Sarah walks in would be. We ended up not filming any more of the "violent scenes" because we realised that we had a substantial amount of footage to use in our production.

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