Monday 4 March 2013

Evaluation Question: Audience Profile

Who would be the audience for your media product?

There has not been a significant change in my suggested target audience from my research and planning; older females (such as Arianna) are still my dominant target audience. The reason why my target audience has not changed is because I used the results and findings from my questionnaire, created on survey monkey  to determine as well as influence the decisions that I made during the filming and editing of my film.

I used the results from my Questionnaire, to analyse and  to influence the direction of our production process and the ways in which we presented our opening sequence to our audience. 
From my findings, the age of our target audience were 16 and over, this is because they were the majority age group that answered my questionnaire. 


Due to the fact that most of my answers were from females I was aware that the rest of my questionnaires were influenced by their perspectives.

From my questionnaire results regarding this question I found out that a large proportion of my target audience were within the age brackets of,16-20 year olds. 
Their later responses to my questions were influenced by the mentality of females between these age brackets, which indicated to me, what they wanted and expected in a film, similar to our genre, in order for the film to attract them; because we adhered to their suggestions, we knew that they would most likely be attracted to our production.

These answers led me to produce my target audience profile and led me to know previous to my filming and editing the type of audience I wanted to aim my media product at.

My Target Audience Profile:

  •  Name: Ariánna Mala
  • Age: 20
  •  Gender: Female
  •  Income level:
Quite a large income, as she relies on her parents to pay for most of her expenses. She does, however, have a low paying part-time job as a waitress in the restaurant "Harvester." She works for two days a week at Harvesters. On Mondays and Wednesdays, she works from 5-10pm.

  • ·         Education:

      Ariánna is a student at King's College University. She is currently studying Gynaecology and The History of Medicine.
Every Tuesday, she volunteers at the Old People’s Home or helps out in the children’s ward in King’s College Hospital by serving the little children snacks or playing with them for a few hours.
On Fridays she has a work experience placement at King’s College Hospital from 9-4pm in the General Gynaecology Department, her goal is to get a part-time job in the Endocrine Gynaecology Department in order to boost her knowledge and develop some practical skills that will help her achieve her career prospect of being a Gynaecologists and help suffering women.
On Saturdays she dedicates her time to studying at the library (by herself or with friends) or socialising with her family and friends

  • ·         Taste in film genres: She enjoys film that “Capture reality, and because I am aware that it is an almost impossible achievement for any director, (no matter how good they are), I enjoy films that at least attempt to capture reality. No film as of yet has been able to do so, my view is that the reason this is so is because reality is too complex to be viewed in just a few hours. ” Ariánna also enjoys watching romantic films and comedies, as well as crime-dramas and action films. Particularly crime-dramas and action films; which she watches frequently. “I like crime-dramas because they challenge the mind and subconsciously force you to interact with the characters and the plot that you view. I like the ones in which you can identify with the main character or pretend to be the detective or even an outsider/onlooker, who does everything they can to solve the case before the detective does. I think the best crime-dramas are the ones that leave you at the edge of your seat and can maintain your attention (when you are the cinema watching them you don’t want to get up to go to the toilet, even though you desperately need to because each part is considered to be ‘getting to the good part’ by you and so you don’t want to miss a moment of the film).  Crime-dramas make you feel intelligent (if you were able to solve the case) and the more you watch the more you want to watch. Crime-dramas help you to develop your ability to empathise and make you feel like a child, because you are busy yelling at your TV (they are attention-grabbing), in order to direct the detective to the criminal or trying to warn the victim/s of their sad fate. Crime-dramas make you oblivious to how silly you look yelling at your TV; it is that intriguing and interesting. When you watch them in the cinema you have to keep yourself from verbally interacting with the characters you see (SO as not to disturb others around you), and when you are with your friends or a close family member, it is even more exciting and thrilling to watch :).” 
  •          Tastes in music: Gospel, R&B and Jazz. “I really like these genres of music because they capture the human emotions so well and when sung by a person with a beautiful voice it’s brilliant. Music is an important aspect of practically every human on earth, without it life would be dull and boring. I don’t even want to imagine a world without music; it plays a huge role in my life and my culture.” Ariánna plays the Piano and Saxophone at her church, every Sunday and is part of the choir, so music has a large impact in her life and has done from the age of 4, all the members of her family are “musically gifted :)”    
  • ·         Class:  Her mother is an Accountant and her father is a Speech Therapist.  They are a middle class family with a large amount of disposable income.
 This is because the research I conducted regarding the gender more prone to domestic abuse revealed that; research by Women’s Aid, shows that over two women per week are killed by current or ex-partners and that domestic violence accounts for between 16% and one quarter of all recorded violent crime. "Women comprised of 89% of all those who had experienced 4 or more incidents of domestic violence"- due to these statistics it is likely that women would be more likely to relate to my main character who is a female. Also, because we made sure not to include images that would not cause offense or mock those who are victims or have been victims of abuse, we have widened our female target audience. 

The main difference in my target audience's profiles is that now I think that it would appeal to a wider range of audiences from different backgrounds and cultures, because of our central theme of domestic violence.
Domestic violence is an issue, faced by mostly women, and can occur regardless of a person’s background or social standing within society.
When it comes to abuse there is no barrier and that is why when it comes to my target audience there is no specifics- especially in terms of ethnicity or social class.

I created a prezi presentation that describes the wide range of the typical audience, for my media text:
It covers most of  the ethnic groups in society, because I want to show that most ethnic groups would be represented in my overall production and therefore indicate to my potential audience the diversity and true representation of my film's characters to my audience.

When making a decision on the specific and legal rating that my film should be because of its content, I researched the findings of Film rating experts BBFC. I compared my film to the specifications required for that rating and came up with a conclusion on the age of my audience.

From prior knowledge I knew that because of the issue of domestic violence we represented in our film, the rating would most likely range between a 12 and 15. As I delved further into the BBFC Studies I came to the decision that my film would be best rated at 15.

Our opening sequence requires a lot of engagement from our audience and requires an active audience who fits the profile of theorist Blumler and Katz and not the Hypodermic Syringe model (a passive audience). Those that are 15 years and over tend to be more mature and therefore mentally capable to understand the text we have shown them and analyse our opening sequence with interest and understanding.

Ratings Information provided by:

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