Tuesday 15 January 2013

Day 3 Editing

In lesson today Conor and I continued putting our clips together to create a rough cut of our overall production. We included a lot more jump cuts of different clips-for example whilst Sarah is washing her hands we have inter/jump cuts of her face and the blood and during the shots of the violent scenes . This was a highly effective decision because the effect of this helped to build up tension and express the anxiety of Sarah as she washes off the blood.
 Conor told me that he experimented with the colour correction effect on Final Cut yesterday, and darkened the colour of the blood -where Sarah was washing her hands in the sink-to make it look more realistic. This is what we are going to do with the remaining clips that show Sarah washing her bloodied hands. Conor stated that we can't make the blood too dark, because it darkens the sink and the overall effect is quite grotesque and not effective at all.
We have completed the orders in which the "bathroom scene" and "happy scene" would be viewed and all that is left to put in order is the "winter and violent scenes." 
 To maintain continuity we have decided not to use some clips because they deterred our editing from this goal. For example, during the filming of the "happy scene" we got another person 'a stunt double' to hold hands with Conor/James in, so that the atmosphere of romance could be further emphasised through this physical act of hand holding. We could not use the clip, however because it would have ruined our continuity due to Sarah's double wearing a ring and not wearing the bracelets that she has been shown wearing in the previous clips. As a result though the effect the footage would have had was ideal, we discarded that clip. 
In our editing today we also included Transitions (Additive Dissolve) and a Custom Gradient which we used together to form a flashback-with a twist. The twist is that there is an extreme close up of Sarah's face and eyes as she has the flashback and her face is faded into the flashback. We chose the particular clip of Sarah's face and eyes because of the theory that "The eyes are the windows to the soul" and so through the use of the the flashback through Sarah's eyes we will enable the audience to relate and identify with Sarah a lot easier, as the our edit enables the audience to 'be Sarah' and view her thoughts. 
We have numerous inter/jump cut within our production, and now it has become our theme. But I sometimes think that this deviates from our original genre of a psychological crime-drama and instead steers more towards a psychological thriller or even a horror.
 I really like the way we have integrated clips within each other and the effect it has and would like us to continue in that direction- this could mean however that our genre is leaning towards a psychological thriller more than a psychological crime-drama. 
I had already anticipated that the editing process would be long and require a lot of hard work so our working rate at the moment is not an issue, especially because of the amount of detail we are putting into the editing in order to make sure we maintain continuity.

Conor and I decided that we will incorporate music the music at the very end of our editing, so when we have finished concentrating on the overall visual production we can then focus our efforts on getting music that is synchronous/parallel with our footage. The source of our music is likely to be garage band, because we will be able to make our own music and create it to perfectly fit our moving image.

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